What does SEO stand for in
business? [SEO Plan Below]

In simplicity, what does SEO stands for business?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and in business SEO stands for just another online marketing strategy that you can use to grow online.
You can use SEO to drive more visitors to your websites or to get more leads for your businesses which usually translates into more potential clients, sales, and money.
But that’s not the important part in here because what it matters is for you to learn how to use SEO to grow your websites or businesses, right?
Keep reading to learn how to use SEO
If you have been in business for a while, you should already know that online marketing is a set of strategies you as a business owner can use to attract more potential visitors, customers, and clients.
A few of these examples that you can recognize are, Facebook Marketing, PPC (pay per click) like Bing & Adwords, Craigslist, Email Marketing, Google My Business Leads, etc. etc.
Knowledge is key, so...
If you don’t know yet how powerful SEO can be for your business and you want to find other ways to keep growing your business, I invite you to read this full article.
Here you will discover the simplest SEO strategy you can use to increase your SEO rankings and drive millions of visitors to all your websites.
NOTE: I have been personally using this SEO strategy since 2007 or so and today in 2022 is still relevant as it was back then.
Trust me, still works like a champ.
SEO business topics inside this article.
The following are the topics inside this article.
1) In business SEO means more potential clients
3) The key is to show up on page one
6) The simplest strategy to rank page one
8) Research is the door for your golden eggs
9) The 85% you should always target
10) Helpful content will always remain king
11) The two step SEO formula in action
12) Growing is always your choice
1) In business SEO means more potential clients
When you start promoting (aka marketing) your business and in this case promoting your website with SEO, you will be increasing the chances to attract more potential clients which is the first step to increase your sales.
If you have a website for your business and you never do any type of online marketing to promote it, you will never get new visitors, new potential customers, and for consequence you will never get more sales to increase your revenues.
IMPORTANT NOTE: One of the biggest mistakes small business owners do here is building websites first before doing any online marketing research.
Creating a good online marketing plan should always come first before building any website and that includes before even doing any SEO, SMM, and PPC.
Creating an online marketing plan is essential to grow your business and this is why building this plan is one of the main initial services we offer to all of our clients.
If you want are interested in learning more and perhaps us creating a full marketing plan for you, make sure you request more information on this helping page.
2) How SEO works in business?
For those who are still new to SEO, let’s go and check how this online marketing strategy works on businesses and how SEO sends more potential clients to your sites.
Landscaper in Abilene Texas Example
First, lets imaging that you have a local business in the city of Abilene Texas and that your main services are “Landscaping Services”
So let me ask you this, what do you think people will do today to find landscaping services on the internet?
Can you guess?
If you answered "they will use Google", then you are correct.
Now don't get me wrong in here because today you can also use other places to find services like Facebook, 5miles, Craigslist, etc. etc.
But most people today will use and will remain using search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing to find different types of products and services they are looking for.
For instance take a look to the image below where you can see what people will get when they use the search engine Google to look for the word “Landscaping Services” in the city of Abilene Texas.

As you can see, companies from that specific city will start showing up to the top of the page. This is the power of SEO.
If you apply SEO to your website, you will have the power to let people find you more often when they search for keywords related to your business.
Keywords like:
1) Plumber services in Dallas Texas
2) Roofing contractor in Fort Worth
3) Mexican restaurant in Denver
5) CSS accordion without JavaScript
6) Fresno SEO
8) How long does it take to become a web designer?
10) How to use WordPress plugins?
11) Bathroom Remodel Fort Worth
All those keywords from above are words that people use to search things online that when combined with the power of SEO, you can make your business skyrocket to the top pages where you will be more likely to be found by your potential clients and customers.
3) The key is to show up on page one
Remember, the key is to make sure your website shows up on page one. Not on page two, page three, or page four. It has to be always on page one.
If you want more visitors which will give you the opportunity to increase your customers and clients, you will need to be there on the top, on page one, period.
Now the question is, how do you put your business in the page number one in Google and in the page number one inside other search engines?
Well that can be a complex answer if you follow the general SEO advice you can normally find on the internet.
But make no mistake, this can be easy if you follow simple recipes to increase your SEO power.
4) How powerful is your current SEO?
Now first things first and before I share with you the simplest strategy you can follow to reach those top positions in Google, my first recommendation will be for you to get a full SEO analysis.
This full SEO analysis will tell you the current SEO state of your site which will also tell you the best strategy for you to follow.
I mean yes, you will find several SEO changes that can be applied to any website overall but you need to understand one thing, and that thing is that SEO is personal and that it has to be customized to your current situation.
I mean unless you don't have a website or something like a GMB, then an SEO analysis is irrelevant for your business.
Otherwise get yourself a full SEO analysis before start doing anything else.
5) Get your full SEO analysis
To start the full analysis of your website, you will need to fill out this form.
Just keep in mind that this full analysis will take between 5 to 7 days as this is done manually and not with automated tools.
Then after that, you will be able to understand better what SEO strategy you can follow to reach page one in Google.
6) The simplest SEO strategy to rank page one on Google
Now, what I am going to share with you is the simplest but most powerful SEO strategy that I have ever used over and over since 2007.
Yes you heard me right, since 2007.
This simple strategy has not changed much since then and is still as effective as it was back then.
But there is a big catch that probably many of you reading this will never understand.
This simple thing (AKA the big catch) that will make you fail while applying this SEO strategy is called “certainty mindset”, yes that’s it very simple.
Sounds very stupid right?
Well think twice and probably a couple more times because if you underestimate what I am telling you right now, you will end up in the road that I am perhaps lying to you or in the worst case scenario that I am scamming you.
But no, that is the reality and the reality of perhaps how most things work in the world.
Certainty mindset will play a huge part of your success with SEO.
Now you might ask, how can you change your certainty mindset while working with SEO?
Well I have some bad news for you because certainty mindset only comes with time, experience, losings, and winnings.
That's why experts will always have an edge on their profession no matter what, because they already traveled the road that is in front of you.
But wait and don't lose hope yet because there is one thing you can do if you want to succeed faster with SEO.
Do you want to know what it is? Well, I will share that with you after I explain you this simple SEO strategy that can get you top positions on Google.
7) The two step dance formula
Now this SEO formula that you are about to learn is so simple that many of you will even think if this is even possible.
But remember I have been using this simple SEO technique since 2007 and today in 2020 is still very relevant.
Do you want to know how big of relevant this is?
Well, with this simple SEO formula you can still grow your website very easily up to the 50,000 visitors per month mark without too much hassle. Just see the image below.

The only thing you need to do is to follow the formula and just keep working in loops.
Doing it over and over and you soon will have many visitors on your site.
Now please don’t forget that no matter what, SEO takes time to get traction but once you start the ball rolling, the road will become easier and easier.
Besides one thing that you need to know about SEO is that to be successful with it, you don’t necessarily need to have 50,000 visitors per month.
I have seen over and over many websites with 3000 visitors per month or even 600 visitors per month and be more successful than the website getting 50,000 visitors per month.
So don’t confuse this number of visitors per month because more visitors does not always mean more success monetarily speaking.
But nonetheless with this formula, you can grow as much as you want. There are no limits.
You want 500 visitors per month? Use the formula, then rinse, and repeat.
You want 5,000 visitors per month? Use the formula, then rinse, and repeat.
You want 50,000 visitors per month? Use the formula, then rinse, and repeat.
Just rinse and repeat as many times as you want.
So anyways here it is, finally I know, the two step formula.
1) Step one, deep keyword research and analysis
2) And step two, content development
That’s it, very simple, very stupid, but very powerful.
8) Research is the door for your golden eggs
Step one is research and to be more specific this is where you do keyword research to analyze potential traffic, competition, and what content Google is rewarding.
Keyword research not matter what everyone says, is the most important part of SEO and even when this is a very simple step to understand, this sometimes can be very tedious.
In here you discover what keywords you should target and prioritize in your SEO efforts.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Yes, you can create content based on what you think is best for your business but that will never be a match against creating content based on actual and real data.
Don't get into this mindless trap of thinking you know what is best, always listen to the keyword data of what the user is actively looking for online.
We are not in a perfect world
Now in a perfect world you will always find keywords that will have high traffic and low competition but because we don’t live in a perfect world, this can become complicated at times.
For instance, let's look at one example of how you should be selecting your keywords.
Imagine that your research lets you find two great keywords for your website.
1) KEYWORD ONE is: "Mexican restaurant in Denver"
2) KEYWORD TWO is: "Mexican restaurant in downtown Denver"
If we analyze the data, keyword one has a potential traffic of 2500 visitors per month with a competition of 85% out of 100%.
And keyword two has a potential traffic of 500 visitors per month with a competition of 25% out of 100%.
Now the important question here is, which keyword you should target first?
Should you target the keyword one with 2500 potential visitors per month or the keyword two with 500 potential visitors per month?
Can you guess?
Well, the right answer here is it depends.
Do you remember what I recommended you on section 4 and 5?
The thing I recommended you before you even start learning this simple SEO strategy was for you to first getyour full SEO analysis.
Because that full SEO analysis will tell you how much SEO power your website currently has which will also tell you if you can choose keywords with high competition or not.
For instance, if your website has an SEO power of 85%, then in that case you will be most likely to be able to target bigger keywords like the one with 2500 visits per month.
But if your website has an SEO power of 15%, then you need to start targeting smaller keywords like the one with 500 visitors per month and then keep growing from there.
Are you getting this?
Let’s do one more example.
Now let's imagine that your website has an SEO power of 65% and that your research yielded the following two keywords.
1) KEYWORD ONE is: "How to read faster"
2) KEYWORD TWO is: "How to read books faster"
If we analyze the keyword data, the keyword one has only 1600 potential visits per month with a competition of 65% out of 100%.
And keyword two has 1400 potential visits per month with a competition of 25% out of 100%.
So which one will you target first?
In this case the obvious answer and because your website has enough SEO power (65%), you can actually target both keywords without any problems.
Now I hope you are understanding this because it is a big part of the puzzle, but if you don’t, don’t worry because in a moment I will tell you what you need to do to if you want to increase and accelerate your success with SEO.
9) The 85% you should always target
One thing you should always keep in mind is that 85% of the online searches are going to be always informational and no matter what you do you cannot change this simple fact.
But what does this means for you and your business?
Well this means that 85% of users will always look for information first rather than buying a product or service from you.
This tells you that if you want to succeed with SEO you should focus first on helping visitors through your content.
Remember giving helpful information away (AKA for FREE) is the key.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Nothing in this world is for FREE, someone somewhere has to pay for it, either by investing their time or money but NOTHING is FREE.
Helping people first
With this in mind, now you can focus your content development in always helping people first and then if you want, you can invite them to buy from you.
This buying process can happen through your content which is a mix and match like 85% information and 25% selling.
Besides if you have been in business for a while, you should already know that this is how everything usually works.
Most people won’t buy from you right away and only a small fraction of them will be ready to get your products or services asap.
It is simple, you help people with your content, then they will trust you, and then they will buy from you.
10) Helpful content will always remain king
Now even when some people in the online community will tell you that content is not king or is no longer king, this is simply not true, at least NOT with this way that I am showing for doing your SEO.
Yes, they are right that content is not king when you are competing in the big leagues where you will be more likely to find way too high competitive keywords.
In those cases, yes content is not king because in those situations you will require to do content marketing and more external linking strategies to rank your content which is known as Off Page SEO.
But when you are playing in the low and mid level leagues, content marketing is rarely ever needed.
Now of course you can use links to get an edge and rank faster but when you really understand how things grow with SEO, links should never be your first priority.
When you are playing on this low and mid levels, the only priority you should have is doing keyword research and creating helpful content which is exactly what I am doing with this article.
11) The two step SEO formula in action
Now if you did not know, the SEO niche is a very saturated niche in the online world with too many powerful competitors already.
But when you understand how SEO and Google works, you can pretty much penetrate any market you want with this simple two step SEO formula.
For instance, let me show you the two step SEO formula in action.
If you actually analyze this article, I used exactly that formula to start making this website an authority website on the SEO niche.
Let’s recap the steps.
1) The first thing I did which is part one of the two step SEO formula was to do a very extensive keyword research to find out a keyword that was very easy to rank based on my current SEO power.
Remember you can find out about your current SEO power after you do your full SEO analysis.
Because I already knew my current SEO power, I knew that the keyword “what does SEO stand for in business” was a perfect match for my site.
Well, this was because this keyword was not only easy to rank but it was going to help me kill three birds at a time.
Just look at this.
1a) First, this keyword was going to help me penetrate the hard niche of SEO and help my website become an authority on SEO.
1b) Then because this was an easy keyword to rank, this was going to help me increase my traffic, my Google rankings, and my current SEO power.
1c) And finally number three, this keyword was going to help me attract visitors related to my target audience which were business owners looking to learn about SEO.
Now one thing to keep in mind is no matter what keyword tool you use for your research, they will never give you 100% accuracy.
The keyword tools that exist today to do researches, they are just there to help you get a better understanding of the keyword potential traffic and your competition.
They are just here to help you make smarter decisions with SEO.
In this case, the tools I used showed me that the keyword “what does SEO stand for in business” had a potential traffic of 300 visitors per month and their competition was around 10% out of 100%.
2) Then after I found out the right keyword for my website, I move on to content development.
In here I pretty much needed to develop 4 things with an extra punch line which is usually the thing you are promoting.
Let’s take a look at these four things I created.
2a) First, I needed to write a title which in most cases should be very closed and related to the main keyword you found.
2b) Second, I needed to write the subtitles which should expand my main title to give more in depth information to the main subject (my new found keyword).
2c) Third, I needed to write the actual content including the introduction and then the content for each subtitle.
2d) And finally, I had to create something to promote which in this case already existed which is my one on one 6-week SEO bootcamps.
And that’s it, that was the whole thing.
One thing you need to keep in mind is that for you to be able to create these kind of long posts with ease, you need to have EXPERIENCE.
If you don’t have experience on the subject, it will be hard for you to write anything at all.
That's why you need to be an expert on your niche.
I mean you can hire a writer but my advice is always the same even when starting a business which is to choose something you have experience on or you are really but really eager to learn and become really good at it.
Now you don’t need to be a great writer to do this besides when you write to the online world you should be writing always in the simplest way possible, almost like if you were writing to kids.
NOTE: If you want to expand the power of your writing, you can learn copywriting, direct response marketing, and perhaps take an English writing class in college like I did but keep in mind that this is not required at the beginning.
12) Growing is always your choice
So we have come to the question, how can you accelerate your SEO knowledge plus in the process reinforce your mindset?
Well the answer to this is simple and that is: you need to learn directly from the SEO experts and to do that you will have several options.
Some of these options are reading books, reading blogs, watching YouTube videos, buying online trainings, etc, etc.
But without a doubt if you want to go as fast as possible and reach success in the shortest amount of time, there is no other way than working directly with an SEO coach.
And that’s where my 6 week SEO bootcamp comes into the picture where you learn all the ins and outs of becoming successful with SEO.
Trust me I have developed this SEO bootcamp for you to be able to learn SEO in the easiest way possible.
What you just saw here is just a tiny but a tiny fraction of what the bootcamp represents.
Now I am not saying the bootcamp will be easy because most likely it won’t be for you besides great things in life are rarely ever easy and this bootcamp won't the exception.
But that’s why it was developed as a coaching bootcamp because it is intended for you to absorb the SEO knowledge through real experience and with the expert aide just on your side.
Trust me this is a great bootcamp but is not for everybody, it is just for individuals who are really dedicated to keep growing their businesses through more online marketing channels.
Look, the question is simple and here is when you decide if you want to keep growing and keep moving your business to the next levels.
If you answer yes in your mind to the question, "Do I want to keep growing my business?”, then I invite you to apply for the SEO bootcamp where we will be able to further discuss the details of the training.
Remember if this peek your interest and you want to seriously keep growing, please first apply by visiting this link.
Then after that we can jump into a chat either by phone, text, whatsapp, or any other form of communication you feel comfortable with.
NOTE: Remember the question is not if you need SEO or not because every business needs SEO if you want to maximize your online growth.
Keep in mind that this is not a public training and it is only open to the ones who apply through this link.
For the moment that's all for me.
If you have any questions please send me your comments through the green link below and if you want to know more about SEO and businesses read the "SEO FAQs for Businesses" below.
SEO FAQs for Businesses
1) What does SEO do for a company?
SEO when done right inside your business website, it can help you grow by attracting more visitors that will have the potential to become customers and or clients.
Remember the more exposure you have, the more people will know about you, and the more chances you will have to increase your sales.
Living in the darkness won't help your businesses any time soon.
So start getting proactive and learn SEO or hire some SEO experts to help you become more relevant online.
2) Is SEO important for businesses in 2022?
Of course SEO is still very important for businesses today.
As long as Google, Bing, and Yahoo keep their search engines working online, SEO will remain relevant and important for any business.
3) How much does SEO for businesses cost?
This will depend on your business niche.
That's why you should talk to an SEO expert and get your website analyzed.
A ballpark figure and if you are living in a big city, you should look into investing $25,000 per year if you want to grow.
If you are living in a small town, $5000 to $10,000 per year will be realistic.
Please be aware that you will find many people offering you $150 and even $350 per month SEO services.
Trust me be aware of those and perhaps run away.
If you don't know what to do, please contact me through my Fort Worth SEO page and I will be more than glad to help you for free in deciding what will be best for you.
There we can actually get a realistic SEO plan for you based on your current SEO power plus we can find out the right amount for you to invest on SEO.
4) How can I learn SEO for my business?
If you want to learn SEO do your own research online, Google is at your hands the power is yours.
Now if you want to accelerate this, you can also apply to my 6-week SEO bootcamp, by just clicking this link.
Having an SEO expert on your side teaching you with real results is way more faster.
5) Why is SEO so important for my business?
Because it has the potential to increase your revenues.
More money for you to keep growing, plain and simple.
6) Do I need to pay for SEO?
For SEO you need to invest your money or your time.
If you don't know SEO, hiring an expert is your best bet for faster results.
7) Is SEO worth the money?
When done right, of course is worth the money.
And if you have the right products at the right price, success will happen faster.
8) Can you apply this formula to local SEO?
Well of course, yes.
The difference will be that instead of doing informational content development, you will be doing city pages content development.
Just keep in mind that the content should always be original for each city page and of course your will need to do keyword research before creating those pages.
The formula remains the same always.
First you do keyword research and then create the right content.
This applies the same if you want to get more leads with Google My Business which does not requires a website to get more potential clients.